

Certifications Obtained


Demsa processes and products are supported by the certifications obtained, which ensure full validity of quality in the different stages that involve design, production and marketing.

All Demsa products are manufactured following strict quality standards established by IRAM and audited and certified by both IRAM and Bureau Veritas, which guarantees essential reliability in products closely linked to safety.

In terms of quality management, technical certification audits are carried out in accordance with IRAM, UL and ABNT Standards. The processes are certified under ISO 9001 Standard and aimed at continuous improvement in order to obtain total user satisfaction at the time the products are required.

The business will to direct its management towards respect and preservation of the environment is manifested in the decision to adjust its processes in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard.

Certificaciones de Procesos
Certificaciones de Productos
Polvos Extintores
Concentrados de Espumas Sintéticas