Clean Gases
The trajectory and prestige of the company achieved in the market is ratified with the appointment of DEMSA as official distributor of DUPONT for its line of clean gases.
Clean gases extinguish fires in situations and places where the use of liquids, foams and powders would be counterproductive, either due to the characteristics of the fires or due to the damage caused when extinguishing them with the use of said agents.
FE-232 HCFC 123 – Dupont
(2,2 – dicloro – 1,1,1 – trifluoretano)
1. Identification of the substance and company
Material Identification
Corporate MSDS Number: DU002798
CAS Number: 306-83-2
Formula: CHCl2CF3
Company Identification
Demsa Argentina
National Route No. 9 – km. 79
(2804) Campana – Province of Buenos Aires- Argentine Republic
Tel: (+54) (3489) 495 000 to 495 099
2. Composition
Material: 2,2-DICHLORO-1,1,1-TRIFLUOROETHANE* (HCFC 123)
CAS Number: 306-83-2
% Present: 100
*Regulated as a toxic chemical under Section 313 Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and CFR 40 Part 372. United States of America.
3. Hazard Identification
Potential Health Effects:
FE-232 HCFC-123 Dupont
Inhalation of high concentrations of vapor is harmful and may cause cardiac irregularities, unconsciousness, and even death. Intentional misuse and deliberate inhalation of this product may result in death without warning. Vapor reduces the availability of oxygen for breathing because it is heavier than air. This product causes mild eye irritation. Decomposition products are hazardous.
Effects on human health:
Contact with eyes may cause irritation with discomfort, tearing, or blurred vision.
Overexposure via inhalation of vapors may cause temporary depression of the nervous system accompanied by symptoms associated with anesthesia such as: dizziness, headache, confusion, loss of coordination, nausea, and loss of consciousness. With overexposure (>2%), there is a possibility of temporary alterations in the electrical activity of the heart with irregular pulse, palpitations or inadequate circulation. Individuals with pre-existing diseases of the nervous system or the cardiovascular system have an increased susceptibility to toxicity from overexposure to the product.
Carcinogenic information:
None of the components present in this material at concentrations equal to or greater than 0.1% are mentioned by IARC, NPT, OSHA or ACGIH as carcinogenic elements.
Product Administration:
• Sale only for use in portable fire extinguishers. Minimum charge 1 kg.
• The product must be documented as being for a specific and appropriate level of fire extinguishing capacity.
• The performance of the fire extinguisher must be certified by an independent body (UL, FM, CEN, BSI, local AHJ) satisfactory to DuPont.
• The product must be sold in accordance with national and local regulations.
• Special requirements for fire extinguishers containing DuPont FE-232TM:
• The extinguisher must be permanently labeled with the hazards of exposure to the product.
• Fire extinguisher manufacturers are required to comply with the guidelines detailed in the Safety Data Sheet for this product and in the information provided.
• Worker exposure must be controlled according to the Threshold Limit Value (TLV) published by ACGIH through the use of appropriate personal protective equipment or other suitable measures.
• DuPont must be granted access to the manufacturer’s loading facilities for periodic reviews to verify compliance with these guidelines.
• DuPont customers are expected to maintain knowledge of the intended use of their containers and make reasonable efforts to ensure that the product is being used safely.
• Constant monitoring with appropriate alarms is required in the production area.
• Review periodic monitoring in work areas
• Maintain the right for DuPont employees to inspect and/or monitor the manufacturer’s or repackager’s facilities.
Communication of Information Recommendations:
• Cycle of product stewardship meetings
• Review the Product Safety Data Sheet
• Emphasize review of the Health and Toxicity sections of the Product Safety Data Sheet
• Recommend the manufacturer develop a spill plan, then revise the plan.
4. First Aid Measures
If high concentrations are inhaled, immediately move the person to an area with fresh air and keep calm. If the person is not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. Call a doctor.
Skin Contact
In case of contact, wash the affected area with plenty of water for 15 minutes. If irritation occurs, call a doctor.
Eye Contact
In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician.
Material poses an aspiration hazard. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Immediately drink two glasses of water. Never give anything by mouth.
Mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician. If vomiting occurs naturally, tilt the person forward to reduce the risk of aspiration.
Note to Physicians:
Catecholamines such as adrenaline and other compounds with similar effects should be reserved for emergencies and used only under special precautions.
5. Fire Fighting Measures
Flammability Properties
Flash Point: Will not burn
Flammability Limits in Air % by Volume:
LEL: Not applicable per ASTM E681
UEL: Not applicable per ASTM E681
Autoignition: Not determined
Extinguishing Media
As appropriate to materials present in the area.
Fire Fighting Instructions
Use water spray to cool cylinders. Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)
is required in case drums rupture and contents are released under fire conditions.
Liquid water residue should be contained and neutralized prior to release.
6. Accidental Release Measures
Ventilate the leak area.
Du Pont Emergency Exposure Limits (EEL) are established to facilitate the task of emergency evacuation of the site or plant and specify the concentrations that, for a short period of time, the human body can withstand without suffering permanent damage to health or interfering with the evacuation process. EELs are expressed in concentrations multiplied by time, maximum 60 minutes and a ceiling concentration.
These limits are used in conjunction with engineering controls and monitoring and as an aid in planning for leaks and random spills.
DuPont’s EEL for FE-232 HCFC-123 is 1000 ppm for up to 60 minutes with a one minute tolerance not to exceed a concentration of 2500 ppm.
Initial Containment
Spill. Prevent liquid from entering drains, waterways or low-lying areas. Ventilate area.
Coup spill with absorbent material and transfer to steel drums for recovery/disposal. Follow applicable Federal, State and Local regulations.
7. Handling and Storage
Handling (Personnel)
Avoid breathing high concentrations of vapors. Provide adequate ventilation for storage, handling and use, especially in enclosed or low-lying areas.
Avoid contact with skin and/or eyes for long periods of time. Do not allow product to come into contact with open flames or electrical heating elements as hazardous decomposition products may be formed.
Recommendations to minimize exposure
. Training of all personnel.
. Maintain closed system as much as possible
. Adequate ventilation in mixing or filling areas
. Continuous monitoring in process areas
. Periodic testing of emissions at worker level
. Communication of handling procedures with repackagers is required
FE-232 HCFC-123 should only be used as a portable extinguishing agent and never used as a total flooding agent where people may be present. The reason is that the concentration required for this product to function as a fire extinguisher is well above the LOAEL (the lowest concentration exposure test at which cardiac sensitization occurs in laboratory animals).
The use of FE-232 HCFC-123 for total flooding in places where humans may be present could put them at risk of serious injury or death.
FE-232 HCFC-123 has cardiac sensitizing effects at concentrations greater than 2 vol.% (LOAEL) by volume in air. The concentration required for extinguishment is 6.3 vol.% (“heptane cup burner value”). When the 30% safety factor is added to the design concentration, the resulting concentration is 8.2 vol.%. This is more than 4 times the concentration that can cause a cardiac event.
This product must be stored in clean, dry areas. Do not heat above 52°C (125°F)
8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection
Engineering Controls
Use only with adequate ventilation. Keep container tightly closed.
Vapors are heavier than air and pose a risk of suffocation if trapped in confined or low-lying areas.
Personal Protective Equipment
Wear safety glasses or goggles appropriate for handling chemicals.
Use NIOSH-approved respiratory protection if exposure limits are in danger of being exceeded. If skin contact is possible, have impervious protection available: gloves, apron,pants and jacket.
Exposure Guidelines
Exposure Limits
PEL (OSHA) : None Established
TLV (ACGIH) : None Established
AEL* (DuPont) : 50 PPM, 8 &12 Hr TWA
WEEL (AIHA) : 50 PPM, 8 Hr TWA
* AEL is an Acceptable Exposure Limit established by DuPont. In the event that there are government occupational exposure limits lower than those given by the AEL, those limits will take precedence
9. Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical Data
Boiling Point: 27.6°C (81.7°F) @ 760 mmHg
Vapor Pressure: 13 psia @ 25°C (77°F)
Vapor Density: 5.3 (Air = 1)
% Volatiles 100% by weight
Evaporation Rate (CCl4 = 1) less than 1
Solubility in Water 0.39% by weight @ 25°C (77°F)
Acidity (pH): Neutral
Odor: Slightly ethereal
Form: Liquid
Color: Clear, colorless
Liquid Density: 1.46 g/cc @ 25°C (77°F)
10. Stability and Reactivity
Chemical Stability
The material is stable. However, avoid open flames and high temperatures.
Incompatibility with other materials
Incompatibility with powdered alkaline or alkaline earth metals (Al, Zn, Be, etc.)
Polymerization will not occur.
Decomposition products are hazardous. Decomposition occurs by reaction with heat, open flames, incandescent metal surfaces, etc. At high temperatures, the product may decompose into hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid and possibly carbonyl halides, these materials are toxic and irritating so contact with them should be avoided
11. Toxicological information
Animal data
FE-232 HCFC-123
Inhalation 4-hour LC50 : 32000 ppm in rats
ALD Oral : 9000 mg/kg in rats
Skin absorption LD50 : > 2000 mg/kg in rabbitsAnimal tests indicate that FE-232 HCFC-123 is not a skin irritant or skin sensitizer, but is a moderate eye irritant. Toxic effects in animals at single exposures to concentrations equal to or greater than 5000 ppm include; unconditional reflexes, effects on locomotor activity and coordination, suggesting anesthetic effects. Single inhalations caused central nervous system effects such as anesthesia and nonspecific effects associated with lethal symptoms. Cardiac sensitization in dogs occurred at concentrations equal to or greater than 20,000 ppm. Repeated exposures to 300 ppm resulted in decreased cholesterol, triglycerides, or glucose and increased urinary fluoride levels. Concentrations of 5,000 ppm or greater resulted in anesthetic effects, decreased lymphocyte counts, changes in organ weights (including increased liver weight), enzyme alterations, and decreased weight gain. Exposures of dogs, guinea pigs, or monkeys to 1,000 ppm or greater induced mild to moderate liver damage. FE-232 HCFC-123 was not shown to be neurotoxic in animals repeatedly exposed to inhalation of the product at concentrations up to 5,000 ppm. Long-term exposure caused decreased body weight, reduced cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose, and increased urinary fluoride concentrations in rats. Inhalation of 300, 1000, or 5000 ppm for two years caused an increase in benign testicular tumors in male rats.
An increase in benign pancreatic and liver tumors was observed in rats exposed to 1000 or 5000 ppm. The tumors were considered late-onset and were judged not to be life-threatening. The biological significance of these tumors to humans is limited. Additionally, there is evidence that retinal atrophy was observed during this two-year study in both treated and controlled animals; the significance of this is not yet determined.
Animal data indicate that FE-232 HCFC-123 did not affect the reproductive cycle in rats. Animal data indicate that it does not specifically harm the unborn child.
FE-232 HCFC-123 does not cause genetic damage in bacterial cell cultures or in animals themselves, however, in one study genetic damage was caused in mammary cell cultures.
Inhalation of high vapor concentrations is harmful and can cause cardiac irregularities, unconsciousness and even death.
Overexposure via inhalation of vapors can cause temporary depression of the nervous system accompanied by symptoms associated with anesthesia such as: dizziness, headache, confusion, loss of coordination, nausea and loss of consciousness.
With overexposure (>2%), there is the possibility of temporary alterations in the electrical activity of the heart with irregular pulse, palpitations or inadequate circulation.
Toxic effects in animals from single exposures to concentrations equal to or greater than 5000 ppm include unconditional reflexes, effects on the activity of the heart, and locomotor function and coordination, suggesting anesthetic effects. Single inhalations caused central nervous system effects including anesthesia and nonspecific effects associated with lethal symptoms. Cardiac sensitization in dogs occurred at concentrations equal to or greater than 20,000 ppm
12. Ecological Information
Ecotoxicological Information
Aquatic Toxicity
The compound is expected to be slightly toxic.
96 h LC50, fathead minnow: >77 mg/l
13. Disposal Considerations
Recover via distillation or transport to a licensed waste facility.
Comply with Federal, State and Local regulations
14. Shipping information
Transport containers
Tank car
Tank truck
15. Regulatory information
Federal regulations of the United States of America
TSCA Inventory Status : Reported/Listed
Acute : Yes
Chronic : Yes
Fire : No
Reactivity : No
Pressure : NoLists:
SARA Extremely Hazardous Substance – No
CERCLA Hazardous Substance – No
SARA Toxic Product -See Components SectionFE-232 HCFC-123 is not listed as a total flood extinguishing agent by the USA EPA, NFPA 2001, CEN, ISO 14520 or any other approval agency.
The USA EPA SNAP (“Significant New Alternatives Policy”) program evaluates new suppression agents. One of the criteria considered is the health of people and the environment. Approved agents must have the same suppression qualities as Halon, not affect the ozone layer and not be harmful to people or the environment.
NFPA 2001 “Standard on Clean Agent Extinguishing Systems” lists agents that are acceptable as total flooding extinguishing agents, FE-232 HCFC-123 is not included in this document or in any of the other documents cited above
16. Other considerations
Health : 1
Flammability : 0
Reactivity : 1
Personal Protection score must be given by the user depending on the conditions of use.
The information in this Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) relates only to the material described above and does not relate to the use of this fluid in combination with any other material or in any other process.
MSDS Responsibility: MSDS Coordinator
DuPont Fluoroproducts
Address: Wilmington, DE 19898
This information is based on technical information considered reliable. Subject to revision as additional knowledge and experiences are gained.